Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Success Through Self-Development

Success Through Learning
You Can Be Successful!  

It's the natural right of every human being to be happy and escape all the miseries of life. Happiness is a normal condition, as natural as a sunrise and the changing seasons. On the other hand, it's actually unnatural to suffer!  It's because of our lack of knowledge that we do suffer since happiness is the product of wisdom. To attain perfect wisdom, to fully comprehend the purpose of life and your purpose in this life, to completely realize the relationship human beings have between each other, is to finally put an end to all suffering, to escape every illness and negativity that affects you. Perfect wisdom equals ultimate success.

Humans are creatures of habit.  

We feel comfortable when things stay the same, and when there's a sudden change we feel worried.  There are also times when life seems to be going pretty well, then change comes and you're dealing with poverty and/or illness.  When this happens we go in search of reasons why life is being so difficult.  You wonder, "What did I do?  Where did I go wrong?  Is this karma or some cruel joke of the universe?" 

Reading Won't Make You Successful

The old method of education was to store the mind with as many facts, or supposed facts, as possible and hope that it would all make sense, take root, and lead to a more successful life.  Perhaps for awhile you put what you've learned into action and life goes along well again, only to turn upside down once more.  

You're A Survivor

Look back at every time you've suffered or experienced pain or hardship.  You survived!  You're here today because you were strong enough to make it through that dark time and you've learned some lessons, become stronger, and can actually use what you've learned to make your life more successful.  That's the reason so many people fail at starting a business, saving money, getting out of debt, losing weight, or any number of unaccomplished goals.  Instead of using past experience to learn from, they either feel sorry for themselves and give up.  Or, they keep trying but continually fail because they don't see that they've already learned how not to do something.  

Pain Is Your Teacher

If you're hanging a picture the hammer hits your thumb you quickly find out that it hurts, so you're more careful and take precautions next time.  You learn!  You've developed a tiny part of yourself that tells you a hammer hitting your thumb hurts. Imagine how foolish it would be if you just kept hammering away at your thumb, screaming in pain, but never doing anything about it?  That's what many people do with their lives.  They keep doing the wrong things, they never work on self-development, they never put into action what they've learned from past experience.   
Every time you suffer and react to this suffering a part of your mind tells you, "We need to do this a better way next time."  If you learn the lesson and put it into action then the 'suffering teacher' is no longer necessary and it disappears.  This is the true way to success!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Success After Failure

Whenever you fail at something it touches you in a deeply emotional way. Although it feels negative at the time, it teaches you important lessons. You learn what doesn't work, which can actually get you closer to success.

Failure pushes you to a new level:

Even if you try and fail, you'll never be the person you were before you started the path. You've pushed yourself to a new level, moved outside of your comfort zone, and are that much wiser for having attempted the task. If you constantly avoid pursuing goals and dreams for fear of failure you'll never know what you can do. Trying and failing is better than never having tried at all.

Failure strengthens you:

Right after a failure you may feel weak, hurt, humiliated, knocked down, and/or frustrated. But something amazing happens once the original sting wears off, you actually become stronger in mind and spirit! With every effort put forth you grow stronger in character and increase your odds of achieving success. Since most people want to avoid the pain of failure, it can lead to greater focus and desire to succeed.

Failure makes you braver:

Whenever you put your efforts into trying something and you fail you build courage to try again. It's usually fear of the unknown that actually holds people back, but once you've made it through a failure, taken a risk and lost, it won't feel as scary the next time you try. Bravery doesn't actually come from winning, but from the pursuit of goals—whether you succeed or not. By taking more chances you'll build courage to keep trying until you meet with success.

Failure brings answers:

Never trying at all leaves you wondering. Could you have made it? Would you have actually met with success? You beat yourself up over missed chances and what the future may have been like if only you'd tried. By taking a risk, even if you fail, at least you will have answers and closure to this particular path. You'll know what works and what doesn't, and what you should do differently next time.

They say that everything happens for a reason, and failure is no exception. Maybe you interviewed for a job and didn't get it, yet another one comes through that pays more and offers room for growth. Perhaps someone you've been dating suddenly breaks things off, but then you end up meeting someone ten times more wonderful.  Failure is never the end of the road, but the beginning of something potentially better. 

Don't view failure as bad luck, instead look at each attempt to reach your goals as a triumph. There's always something to learn, ways to grow, different viewpoints to see, and new opportunities waiting just around the corner.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Are You Ready To Be Successful?

Whether in life, love, money, their career, or a combination of them all, who wants to struggle and lose all the time? Nobody chooses to be poor, have a low paying job, a spouse who cheats on them or fifty pounds of extra weight. The problem is, we don't often know where to start on that leads to success.

We read books and attend seminars by people who are making millions of dollars a year, who were in the right place at the right time, and seem to have been born with a magic wand protruding from their back end. They give us motivational steps on how to make it big, we get pumped up, try for a bit, real life caves in on us, and down the toilet we go again.

101 Success Secrets will be a hodgepodge of ways to be successful in all areas of life, stories of real people who are happy with their lives, and how YOU can honest and truly be more successful. After following this blog for awhile, your idea of success just might change. Why? Because, being successful in life doesn't necessarily mean you need rich, famous and gorgeous. Success, when you truly find yourself and discover what really makes you happy, can be completely different than what you think you want at this very moment.

Please bookmark this blog and remember, "Every moment contains opportunity for enlightenment."
